Made to Move by APT

An APT Functional for Life Circuit & Pilates Session is like a great recipe for a delicious & nutritious meal - allow me to explain the reasons. Reminding you we were ‘Made to MOVE’ by Andrea Gaze


It’s so great getting back into & building face to face small group classes again. I began APT Small Groups nearly 10 years ago at Phoenix Studio in Richmond. The model was always maximum of 10, for personalised attention plus plenty of space to really expand, grow & move! My APT Community were the ones I introduced my first BODYART energy element sequences to, during a Functional/Pilates Class. They were filmed with me teaching for my L1 exam to become certified by BODYART International, way back in 2015.

The point of this blog is to expand on why I offer the 2 main APT class formats and still alternate them each week.

While BODYART is a brilliant mindful movement practise on the mat with energy elements & Yin & Yang balance - the functionality for daily life movement required is covered by Functional Circuit & Pilates. BOTH have equal vital relevance.

Recipe - movement for life

In order to stimulate ALL the systems that move us thru life well - we need a varied recipe that includes the following movement ingredients (grid list in full blog) - ideally we stimulate all the senses visually, sound, touch, smell & taste.

The game changer & real benefits & improvements come with what I call mobility matters knowledge coupled with Pilates fundamentals. As a 62 year old ex ballet dancer, mobility specialist, Personal Trainer, Pilates certified & BODYART Master Trainer - I live this !

FULL BLOG -HERE including:

What is functional movement for life?

Life IS movement - drop the ‘exercise’ mentality

Recipe - movement for life movement ingredients

Why we need an essential movement recipe for life


Energy is everything - Work out YOUR best way to Workout & BE energy rich!


The power in 10 week Terms: Filling My Own Cup and Coming Unstuck