Explore, play and be curious - the more you learn - the more you will WANT to learn - about you
APT grew from the passion to dance, love of movement & music, life experience and a mission to help make a difference to peoples lives.
Andrea Gaze - Founder
You have one life, one body & the brain & breathe to connect, grow, empower and embody what you need & want.
With 45 years of experience & life learning as a professional ballet dancer, Stage Manager, Music Award & Theatre Charity Director, Mother, Personal Trainer, Pilates Instructor, BODYART Master Trainer, Presenter & life long anatomy in motion student ongoing, I am passionately persuing my purpose.
Helping my clients become all they need & want with genuine joy in moving freely & well, is why I created APT over 16 years ago. What is ‘apt’ for you? Only you intuitively know this - by helping you explore and discover your true potential, can literally change your life.
On a deeply personal level, moving mindfully with music saved my life. Overwhelmed with the tragic loss of both my 20 year old sister and my father at just 58, my marriage ending and nursing my Mum with Ovarian cancer, I fell into deep depression. As a single Mum with 2 young sons, I literally wanted what felt like an endless nightmare of loss and grief to end. The only time I felt present and empowered to keep going was when I began drawing on moving to music again. The familiar love & joy I’d found at age 3 - it was always there inside me.
APT will create & unlock your light bulb moments . . . your pearls of new awareness and wisdom you can draw on & will always have in your personal knowledge toolbox. APT unravels your why, which defines your real needs and a clear plan for your process to progress.
Ambition & career
Andrea was taken to see the Nutcracker at age 3 - this lit a burning passion to dance. Moving to music was my magical place, jumping has always been my joy and dancing the major classical ballets with the London Festival Ballet Company was my dream & ambition. At 17 I went to London, to train with the late Johnny O’Brien, 8 months later I joined the London Festival Ballet Company*.
After dancing all the major classical ballets in London, Italy and all over the UK with London Festival Ballet, including sharing the stage with Rudolf Nureyev (3rd pic from Nureyev’s biography) I returned to Australia. Dancing and singing in the national tour of Oklahoma opened the world of music theatre and opera. I transitioned into choreographing, Stage Managing and Assistant Directing Opera and Music Theatre, a pinnacle highlight being the Stage Manager of the original Australian production of Phantom of the Opera (1991).
I ran the Brian Stacey Memorial Trust for 22 years - awarding 21 emerging Australian Conductors, running major events and making The Brian Stacey Story documentary before wrapping it up in it’s 20th official year.
* now English National Ballet
Purpose & Growth
As a single Mum with 2 young sons having lost a 6 months work contract at very short notice, I enrolled in a Cert 3 & 4 in Personal Training & Fitness in 2007. Even at the age of 17 as a young dance student in London, I was fascinated with brain & body connection and human anatomy in motion, my incredible Mentor ignited this with his teaching and belief in me. Before I completed my qualifications APT was founded, people wanting to train with me, feeling the excitement and enthusiasm for my newfound thirst for knowledge and passion to help people move better & well and make a real difference to their lives.
That was over 16 years ago . . . today I am even more excited, the more you learn, the more you want to learn and I absolutely love teaching my clients. The APT Community today are generous, open hearted, friendly, supportive people who want to learn and live their best lives. Even more exciting they know they CAN.
I am grateful everyday for my APT Community & clients and am always delighted to welcome new ones.