Supporting Mobility Improves Lifestyle Enjoyment
Light up your longevity!
Mobility is NOT fitness - accessing all the available joints in your body & moving multi-directionally is heal-thy mobility. Being aware & knowing HOW to do this is rare. BUT it is simple & easy with APT’s Mobility Course
Newly named SMILE
Supporting Mobility Improves Lifestyle Enjoyment
Mobility Matters - Part 1
by Andrea Gaze
What? Why? Stories & 10 Key Ingredients to success
Mobility Matters feedback - from some legends
Mobility Matters in a nutshell
Movement Snacks.
One of the 10 key ingredients for Mobility Matters success is consistency. Once the basics are understood - you can literally create ‘Non-negotiables’ just a few minutes a day.
A little often can add up to massive improvements. Committment then becomes a healthy habit to maintain what is gained.