Energy is everything - Work out YOUR best way to Workout & BE energy rich!

How do you reflect? Have you had a REAL break? 

Did you slow down and have a well deserved holiday from your usual routine?

Did you stop and reflect on all you did and achieved in 2023? 

If you are anything like me - that slowing down and reflecting can be a bumpy and slow process - inspite of my desire for it to kick in more quickly, it simply doesn't!

No matter what age or stage you are at - the opportunity to truely reflect is part of our relax, refresh and re-plenish process. By slowing down or being able to stop, there is an opportunity to FEEL. Going deeper and being vulnerable to your internal self, not to gloss over things you may have been avoiding all year with busi-ness. To step away and have the benefit of hindsite can be both challenging and incredibly enlightening. 

I believe in finding the lesson and understanding what it taught me, even if at the time it was very difficult or painful. It can take some time, but acceptance is peace of mind. This profoundly effects your physical and mental health.

Drawing on wisdom
Perhaps it's because I have been on this earth for 63 years - but I love the no set goal approach now. Evaluating good energy exchange is VERY helpful plus where I choose to USE my energy. It can be broken down into hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and for the year ahead! We all have the same hours in the day, and yes time management is essential but so is energy management

Using YOUR energy wisely
When are you most productive in your day? When do you need to be a little more gentle & laid back in your energy output? What helps you focus and feel alert? Are you scheduling in time to rest? Depending on the work you do, it’s not always in your control, but when you CAN choose, be aware and intentional when and how you use your energy.

Simple planning tips: When I schedule my APT week on the Friday prior - I have 3 colors - Flouro green for Work appointments, Blue for other appointments (eg. Dentist) and Pink for pleasure appointments - this can include a short nap, coffee with a friend or meditation. I use a single page weekly grid I fill out by hand. It must be balanced with at least 5 pink appointments! For me personally it’s also crucial for my mental health to see a friend face to face for vital human interaction and a loving hug! (something I learned during lock-downs living alone & now as an empty nester with no immediate family alive) I am most productive in the first half of the day and I start early with a 6.30am Live online class - it's important to balance that with some slower softer energy in the afternoon, when I generally feel less energetic or productive (hello 30 min nap!). This is especially important if I am then going to also teach a class or see evening clients. 

LET LIFE GUIDE YOU - you don’t have to plan or control everything! If you know you have patiently put the work in consistently, you have a purpose, clear intentions and passion, it is amazing where your life may take you!

BE-ing energy rich is a big part of moving in the right direction without burning out, plus en-joying the journey as you go. If you have a very rigid set goal & destination, it can set you up for huge dissapointment or a lack of adaptability and resilience when it all changes.

I have loved reading ‘The 3 C’s’ Chaos, Crisis & Confusion by Alana Fairchild - it has really helped with openness to life and energy flow without the actual know. Funnily enough it was gifted to me during the Ultimate Girls Week Away Retreat in Cairns in Sept 2023.

Keeping it simple is one of the APT's key messages and learnings - I always come back to this mission for my clients:

'Educate - Inspire - Empower'

APT will celebrate 16 years in May 2024 & I am delighted to offer a menu of opportunities for you to design your en-joy-able energy rich ongoing journey of healthy movement. 



What do you need & want?

How does it fit into YOUR life? 
Be realistic with yourself - here's some points to consider:
1. Do you like moving?
2. If not why not?
Do you feel stiff, sore, awkward, self-conscious, lacking energy?
All these are factors to face - BUT please be aware - that healthy incremental safe movement with awareness, intuitive respect for what is right for you is essential. Some movement consistency and committment mixed in with friendly expertise, encouragement and community, is a very important part of your health & longevity.

3. What are the things you want to do in your life?
Play with the grandkids? Walk in nature painfree? Dance to music and feel mobile, free and fluid? Not decline and become frail like you watched your Mum or Dad become? These are important - your WHY is your reason to start and keep going - one small step at a time.

4. What time of day & how often can you commit to consistently? Do you prefer face to face in a Studio? or the convenience of online LIVE Classes? Maybe a combination of both will work well into your week? Do you want time savvy 30 minute sessions and/or 60 minute full experiences? Do you need more connection with friendly people? Do you need one on one support and personalised training + assisted PNF stretching to aid recovery, re-centre-ing and mobility/flexibility? All worth considering in your decisions moving forward to get moving well to BE well for heal-th. FREE Consult is available for a friendly chat - message me here

5. You have 2 choices - move it or lose it.

It is that simple really. However HOW you move and the en-joy-ment it brings you is a choice you can make for yourself. That said if you have never joined an APT Class - Mindful Monday, EXPRESS 30, BODYART, Best Age, Functional Circuit & Pilates or Mobility Matters - perhaps it's time you did! All these are available for a FREE trial if you are new to APT and there are also some sample class recordings on the Methods tab on the website as well as the BITE SIZE & WISE library of 40+ short purposeful tabatas and sequences FREE for you to access any time on the Linktree APT link.

I am also looking forward to new adventures overseas, bringing heal-thy mindful movement into Retreats. You may be interested to join one yourself. Curious to know more?

Ultimate Girls Week Away here  
Most Most Important Patient Retreats  here

I wish you a year filled with unexpected adventures and joy & I cannot wait to move and breathe with you !


Andrea Gaze - Founder & creator of APT 

This blog was written as an extension to the Term 1 - 2024 newsletter - all bookings & information can be accessed on this website or BOOK HERE


Made to Move by APT