From gentle mobility for awareness, feedback & rehab - through to challenging powerful functional fitness.  

APT enables the joy of movement.

  • The art of Movement

    BODYART Training is the art of movement - energy from the five elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Earth, Wood, Fire, Metal & Water with Yin & Yang balance. Slow and gentle to re-balance your nervous system, expanding strength and awareness, energising & circulating fire for cardio fitness and the water for deep relaxation. A complete mind, body & spirit synergising experience.

    APT runs BODYART Classes both live online and in groups in 2 Studios in Richmond - Learn more

    Scroll down for a trial BODYART Class ⬇️

    'Movement has a profound impact on our health - mind and body. Physically movement affects everything - our circulation, our digestion, our hormonal system, our immune system. But movement is also key to emotional freedom. It is how we express our needs, our thoughts, who we are. It is how we can tune into ourselves and release unhelpful blocked emotions'

    Robert Steinbacher - Creator of BODYART

    BODYART is different to the ‘fitness’ industry

    PTBT - Physical therapy based training.

    * Injury prevention

    * Sustainability for the joints

    * Holistic longevity

    * Pain reduction

    Andrea celebrates 10 years of BODYART Training in 2025 with APT. As a passionate Master Trainer, Educator and Presenter - Andrea continues to learn, teach and embody BODYART.

    ‘For me personally, BODYART was a way to heal myself when I felt burnt out and broken. It has become a deep passion to not only continue that very personal journey of mindful movement, but guide and educate others to find their own way into a very unique body, brain and breathe connection, that is sustainable and healthy for life’ Andrea Gaze 2025

    “Another amazing year of BODYART comes to a close. I can see the ongoing benefits of regular attendance for my physical health; alignment, posture, strength and injury prevention. However this year I have really needed the mental health benefits. The time out to move my body in such a mindful and beautifully fluid way has been so useful for keeping me on track. I am so grateful that I have found BODYART and Andrea to teach it. Thanks again Andrea, for all the wisdom, love and continuity that you provide to us.”


  • SMILE - Mobility Matters

    & MD Mobility Magic*

    A unique method created by APT - to gain, improve & maintain mobility. Ageing is a privilege, not a predicament. We cannot stop ageing but we can choose HOW we age.

    Gentle and patient simple learning & new awareness - ideal for over 45’s - no floor work or kneeling.

    ‘Don’t plan to decline - plan to shine!’

    “I am so blessed to have Andrea in my life. She helps and encourages me to be my best self. As an older lady, I need to keep fit and flexible so I can keep living the life I want, and Andrea's skill and knowledge in this area has been life changing. Mobility Matters is a lovely gentle way to understand why and how to put into practice the small but vital movements we need in our day, every day. I love it and think everyone should do it.”



    Access the SMILE - Mobility Matters Course recordings in 2025. After 16 live online Courses & the 17th in person in Oct 2024 - APT is offering the online course NOW with extended access + in person FREE Walk & Talk check in sessions.

    Learn More about SMILE - Mobility Matters

    *New official online course - launched 6 June at the 79th League of American Orchestras Conference in Houston:

    MD MOBILITY MAGIC - for Musical Directors, Conductors and musicians healthy mobility career longevity


    Not sure how and where to start moving?

    Jump into APT’s FREE Bite Size & Wise Library.

    Short purposeful videos of 4 - 9 mins


    Currently 72 short videos - educating & guiding you to do & discover the heal-thy power of movement - 4 pillars of essential movement, Ballet Barre, bodystrength, cardio dance, boxing, mobility, release & relax, pilates mat, stretching and many more.


    Whether it be playing on the floor with the grandchildren or running a marathon, we all need to be appropriately moving well. The posture needs to be well stacked and the load shared throughout the body to move optimally without pain.

    ‘Joints act - muscles re-act’

    Gary Ward - Anatomy in Motion

    “Andrea makes getting fit fun and accessible for anyone - no matter your age and fitness level. I love Andrea’s positivity and the way she encourages me to keep trying, even when I don’t think I can. I feel really fortunate to have found Andrea and the rest of the lovely APT community.”


    “I love that Andrea encourages me to do things at my pace and recognises that I’m not always going to be an enthusiastic exerciser and supports me to give myself permission to slow down and regroup. I cannot recommend APT highly enough for anyone who thinks they’re too unfit/immobile/overweight to exercise. I’m proof that there is no such thing and a life can change when someone sees you and adjusts exercises and concepts to help you succeed.”


    Read Janet’s Story here


    The foundation to alignment, stability, strength, mobility & flexibility. Pilates enhances and improves everything.

    What is Pilates? How did it start? HERE

    Pilates is complete co-ordination of body, mind and spirit.

    Joseph Pilates


    APT was the second in Australia to launch BODYART training and classes in November 2015.

    APT will celebrate 10 years of BODYART in 2025 - Special celebration event coming up - dtba

    Andrea presented BODYART in the Filex Conventions with the Australian Team in 2016 & 2018 and with Robert Steinbacher in 2017. She became a BODYART Master Trainer for Australia in 2017.

    Pic - Presenting BODYART at the Women’s Health & Fitness Summit 2018 as part of LifeART at the Grand Hyatt, Melbourne.


    Your foot foundation to the crown of your head creates your standing skeletal structure. No amount of targeted muscle use can create change without this essential stacking alignment & awareness.

    “Finding centre” is a perpetual quest to bring the body from effortful into effortless movement. The flow model of Anatomy in Motion gives anybody the tools and understanding to move towards their own centre.

    Read Rob’s story - living with PD & APT here

APT Client Testimonies & Experiences

Sample a Class FREE


Mindful Monday

Running every Monday morning for 30 minutes, live online, mindful mobilising, breathing and releasing barefoot on the mat - divine way to start your week. You can do it any day at any time and it will be beneficial to support you to focus, be in the present moment and fully connect with your mind, body & spirit.

*Updated T2 - 2022 Class

30 mins click on pic

Express 30

Literally rise and shine!

Roll out of bed, and join APT for this fun, functional and energising 30 minutes. A variety of targeted tabatas using yourself, weights, a chair, towel, mat & band. Develop body strength, core stability, agility, barre mobility & alignment, boxing cardio, mat pilates and more. Brilliant for those who are time poor - 30 minutes away from a great mood day!

*NEW updated Class from T3 in 2023

30 mins click on pic


Short purposeful videos 4 - 9 mins covering every area of heal-thy movement - great way to explore & make a start ! 49 to choose from & creating more. JUMP IN NOW


Go with the flow - BODYART will give you EVERYTHING you need in just 60 minutes. You and your mat moving and breathing through the 5 elements; earth, wood, fire, metal and water. You want to sweat and improve your strength and fitness? You need to de-stress and relax and calm down? You need to stop the busy mind chatter and use your brain in the present? You feel tight and crave a release of body but also stuck emotions ? BODYART can give it all to you, if you choose to BE fully present for yourself.

*Updated NEW T3 - 2023 Class

60 min full class click on pic

Simple Solutions

Simple well understood exercise sequences are often the key to addressing a core issue. It is very different seeking relief from ongoing pain or discomfort than addressing and finding the cause. APT has many techniques and experience helping clients find the cause and then address the issue - once you understand why something isn’t improving or indeed becoming worse, you are empowered to start taking responsibility and changing it yourself. There is never one magic exercise or pill to fix a problem. We believe in the ‘process to progress’, well understood sequences executed consistently, are often amazing simple solutions.

APT quick intro vid click on pic